Fractal River Basins Chance And Self-Organization Pdf

Fractal River Basins Chance And Self-Organization Pdf 4,2/5 8444 reviews

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• 113 Downloads Abstract Ten basins in Indiana were selected to investigate their fractal properties. The box-counting procedure was used to measure the fractal dimensions of main stream length for the study basins. Two theoretical procedures based on Horton’s ratios of drainage networks were used to compute fractal dimensions of the main stream lengths of the basins. The computed fractal dimensions were found comparable to the measured fractal dimensions. The first procedure which used Horton ratios of stream number and length provides a fractal dimension estimate which is closer to the measured values compared to that provided by the second procedure. Based on its fractal nature, three different methods were used to estimate main stream lengths. Average error in estimating main stream length was higher than 20%.

The method which relates the main stream length to the mean link length and basin magnitude was modified to be applicable to basins with more than one major channel. The use of the modified procedure reduces the average error of estimating main stream lengths of the study basins from more than 40% to about 10%.

For all considered basins the empirical CDFs of a, l, and e indicate power law distributions of these quantities, demonstrating the fractal character of drainage networks. Values of the exponents τ, γ, and β are estimated by a least‐squares parametric fit to the respective CDFs. The fractal and self-organization problems in river basins. Phillips [8] in a series of articles in his book named “the ground surface systems” studied the existence of chaos in the surface streaming waters, completing the skirts, the moist coastal lands, and soil systems. Baas [9] studied.

Contents • • • • • • • • • • • Introduction The module has been designed to perform the delineation and the morphometric characterization of a given basin, on the basis of an elevation raster map and the coordinates of the outlet. Please note that it is designed to work only in projected coordinates. Here a tutorial based on NC sample dataset is presented. The tutorial refers to GRASS 6. In GRASS 7, a few improvements have been introduced to r.basin.

See the section below for details. Preparation As a first step, we set the computational region to match the elevation raster map: g.region rast=elevation@PERMANENT -ap projection: 99 (Lambert Conformal Conic) zone: 0 datum: nad83 ellipsoid: a=6378137 es=0.22900787 north: 228500 south: 215000 west: 630000 east: 645000 nsres: 10 ewres: 10 rows: 1350 cols: 1500 cells: 2025000 For the basin's delineation, a pair of coordinates is required. Usually coordinates belonging to the natural river network don't exactly match with the calculated stream network. What we should do is to calculate the stream network first, and then to find the coordinates on the calculated stream network closest to the coordinates belonging to the natural stream network. # Calculate flow accumulation map (MFD) r.watershed -af elevation=elevation@PERMANENT accumulation=accum # Extract the stream network elevation=elevation@PERMANENT accumulation=accum threshold=20 stream_rast=stream_network stream_vect=streams We no longer need the accumulation map: g.remove rast=accum Now that we have the calculated stream network, we should choose a pair of coordinates for the outlet belonging to it. Width function Known issues • r.basin hasn't been designed for working in lat/long coordinates. This means that if you are working in lat/long coordinates, you need to reproject your map first in order to apply the tool. Windows 7 dock for mac