How to add conditional Formatting rules to change cell colours on the basis of cell values when using Excel for Mac 2011. Skip navigation. Add Conditional Formatting in Excel for Mac 2011.
Gridlines are faint lines that act like cell dividers in MS Excel. They distinguish cells from each other. Best apps to buy for mac. By default the gridlines are active on Excel. But depending on the kind of a data a worksheet contains, it may not have the gridlines.
As a result, it could become difficult for you to read across the rows. Here’s how gridlines appear if you haven’t see them. Let us learn few things that we should look at if the gridlines are missing and we want to bring them back. Show Gridlines MS Excel provides an option to hide gridlines for users who do not like them. In your case, the hide feature may have been activated by mistake. If you want them to reappear, navigate to View tab and make sure the option Gridlines is checked under section Show.
White Gridlines By default Excel assigns a greyish shade to the gridlines. Ensure that the color has not been changed to white. On a white background, white gridlines are bound to hide themselves. Follow these steps to change the color to default again:- Step 1: Go to File -> Options. Step 2: Now click on Advanced and scroll to the section that reads Display options for this worksheet. Step 3: From the dropdown for Gridline color choose the Automatic option.
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This is where you may select different colors if you wish to. White Borders Your gridlines may have the correct property set and they may also be marked for visibility. But, what if they are hidden by white colored cell borders. The best thing here is to remove the cell borders. Step 1: Press Ctrl + A to select all the cells. Right-click and choose Format Cells. Step 2: Go to the Border tab and make sure none of the borders are active.
Color Overlay Sometimes you may highlight blocks of data by different colors to make them distinct from the rest. When colors are overlaid, gridlines hide under them. If you do not see any color there are chances that the overlay color selected is white. Step 1: Press Ctrl + A to select all the cells.
Step 2: Go to Home tab and change the color fill option to No Fill. Conditional Formatting There are chances that some kind of has been applied on the worksheet to hide the gridlines.
So, navigate to Home -> Styles -> Conditional Formatting -> Clear Rules. Note: Clearing rules will clear all other rules along with the one you are trying to remove. It is better to go to Manage Rules and find out from the details if there is such a setting.