Plantronics Hub needs a rating. Be the first to rate this app and get the discussion started! Plantronics Hub, part of the Plantronics Spokes software portfolio, is a client application that allows end users to control the settings on their Plantronics audio device. Plantronics hub app for mac pro. Downloads and Apps Plantronics Hub Desktop Archive. Plantronics Hub for Windows/Mac Archive. Download previous versions of Plantronics Hub for Windows or Mac. Plantronics Hub for Windows v3.11.3; Plantronics Hub for Windows v3.11.2; Plantronics Hub for Windows v3.11.1; Plantronics Hub for Windows v3.11. Plantronics Hub for Windows/Mac, part of the Plantronics software portfolio, is a client application that allows users to control the settings on their Plantronics audio device. Users can customize their ringtone and ring location, configure presence updates, and more. Discover how Plantronics Hub brings additional functionality to your new Plantronics Bluetooth® headset with helpful tools, notifications, and status information. Get the following features for Voyager Legend, Voyager Legend UC, Voyager Edge, Voyager Edge UC, Voyager Focus UC, Voyager 3200 Series. Desktop Apps for Windows and Mac. Plantronics Hub for Windows/Mac. Plantronics Hub for iOS/Android. Bring additional functionality to your new Plantronics Bluetooth headset with helpful tools, notifications, and status information.
We’re excited to announce that Outlook for Mac will soon start syncing calendars via REST for Office 365 customers in the Insider Fast program. What you need to know We're introducing a new syncing model for sharing calendars in Outlook for Mac for Office for Mac Insider Fast. These changes will bring improved reliability and performance of calendar sharing in Outlook for Mac based on the use of REST technology. In the past, the list of shared calendars was previously stored locally for each installation of Mac Outlook. As a result of this upgrade, Outlook for Mac will now use the server-roamed list of calendars. For more information about shared calendar improvements across Outlook, please see this.
This is a great choice if you require your Outlook for Mac data in Google Calendar and Contacts for other reasons. CompanionLink for Google sync can be set automatically and will run in background on your PC. Disadvantages: Uses DejaCloud as a hub. Direct Google Sync will be available in Winter 2016.
I don't think there would be much to gain from repeating information which is available in the MS Office Help system. Once you've recorded your macro, copy it to your favourite text editor and remove all the data typing. That is, where you see:. Dim objOL As Outlook.Application replace it with:. Dim objOL Everything else *should* be fine. Your package should probably test that MS Outlook is installed before proceeding.
Although most machines have it, of course, the packager/programmer secret is: Never assume ANYTHING! Try this vbscript and see if it works for you.
We used it on our office 2003 systems, not sure how it would work on other systems. If it works for you, rate this post! I'm falling way behind VBscab in points and posts.JK, but it is cool to get feedback! -OG Const olFolderCalendar = 9 Const olAppointmentItem = 1 Const olOutOfOffice = 3 CRLF = chr(13)&chr(10) Wscript.echo 'Importing 2008 Company Holidays.'
+ CRLF + CRLF + 'Press OK to Continue.' Set objOutlook = CreateObject('Outlook.Application') Set objNamespace = objOutlook.GetNamespace('MAPI') Set objCalendar = objNamespace.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderCalendar) Set objDictionary = CreateObject('Scripting.Dictionary') objDictionary.Add 'January 1, 2008', 'Company Holiday - New Year's Day' objDictionary.Add 'January 21, 2008', 'Company Holiday - Martin Luther King, Jr.