One time I searched for Orange Juice in Chrome's Omnibar. Now, every time I start typing Orange, I get the search suggestion: How do I get Chrome to stop offering me this search suggestion? If I need to edit some config file, I can do that.
Please don't post answers if you haven't ensured they work first. (This is intended to prevent people from answering 'Press Shift-Delete.' ) Clarification: I'd prefer a solution in which I can selectively delete entries, not just by time segment. Ms word for mac connect to mysql.
I also prefer a solution that does not involve cancelling any Chrome functionality. The easy solution to delete a single prediction is: What annoyed me was entering
Start translation via the configurable keyboard shortcut or toolbar button. This extension requires 1Password 4 for Mac or newer.
I was used to write 'face' and then press 'enter'. But i messed it up, and when i was writing 'face' instead of auto completing to I was ending up on the address 'face/' which obviously gave a error, because no such address exists. The solution is (in my case) Write the address you want to remove, in my case 'face'. Press the down arrow, to select the first prediction, or the prediction you want to remove. After it is selected, simply press 'Shift+Delete'.
Upon further investigation and rereading your question, it seems that you can't nuke search entries selectively. It's buried in there in your profile in some obscure cache file or something. However, you can: The prediction service is typically turned on by default. Follow the steps below to turn it off. • Click the wrench icon tools menu on the browser toolbar. • Select Options (Preferences on Mac and Linux; Settings on a Chromebook).
• Click the Under the Hood tab. • In the 'Privacy' section, deselect the 'Use a prediction service to help complete searches and URLs typed in the address bar' checkbox. Keep in mind that the address bar shows matches from your browsing history, in addition to predictions. If you don't want to see matches from your browsing history, clear your browsing history. You can couple this with the, --disable-history-quick-provider.