Mar 8, 2017 - Try this: /Users/[your_name]/Library/Android/sdk/tools/emulator -avd Nexus_6p_API_23. A free script for you. #!/bin/bash. It will take quite a while for the emulator to start, especially on the newer Android builds. You can screw around with hardware acceleration if you want it to move a bit faster. Also you should use Screenshots to speed up the boot time.
I have been working on an android project, I am using android studio on my iMAC[Software OS X 10.9.5, Graphics Intel HD Graphics 5000 1024 MB, Processor 1.4 GHz Intel Core i5]. When i try to open my application on an android emulator it get this error- emulator: ERROR: x86 emulation currently requires hardware acceleration! Please ensure Intel HAXM is properly installed and usable. CPU acceleration status: HAX kernel module is not installed! I can find so many similar issues with solution on Google & SO, but i am unable to use those solutions for MAC???
I followed all the steps given but with no luck, still unable to launch emulator. I think there is something to do with mac os. Can anyone tell me how to do this on MAC??
First, make sure that the Intel HAXM is up to date. You update it by opening the SDK and selecting it in the list.
(As of 2016-07-08, the latests HAXM version is 6.0.3). Then, on Mac, the Android SDK gets installed at: /Users/username/Library/Android/sdk/, therefore, you will need to run the script as sudo, as follows: sudo sh ~/Library/Android/sdk/extras/intel/Hardware_Accelerated_Execution_Manager/ If all goes well, the script prints the message: 'Silent installation Pass!' Then, restart Android Studio and run your app with the desired AVD. Free online time management games for mac. I know I'm late, but here it goes. • Delete all AVD's that you currently have. • Go to Preferences >> Android SDK >> SDK Tools • Uninstall Android Emulator • Restart Android Studio.
• Re-install Android Emulator from the same place. • Create a new emulator. What i personally did, in the process of fixing this. • I actually re-installed entire android studio. Followed • Fixed my $PATH variables.
Followed • Then i tried re-installing Android Emulator, which worked for me. Hope this Helps.