They can be deleted one by one, or multiple transactions can be deleted at one time. Quicken for Mac. If they are, delete the duplicate account from the account list, then import the Web Connect file ensuring the “Use existing account” option. The Quicken software will compare the new download with older information to record only new transactions and eliminate any duplicates. Separate Quicken accounts. Is there spotify for mac.
Open the Securities window (menu Window > Securities) Select a duplicate (that's not used in any transactions), then hit the keyboard Delete key, then Enter for OK. You can select multiple securities by holding down the Command key while you select them. This will allow you to delete a whole bunch at once. Each security you delete must be the copy that is not used in any transactions; otherwise Quicken will not let you delete it.
Hope that helps. I do not know of any way to automatically delete unused securities. I am talking about duplicate securities, not transactions.
I have just imported into Quicken Mac2017 a 10+ year wealth of background data and securities positions. When I then linked it to my Fidelity accounts, most of the securities positions were duplicated, so there are two separate positions listed for the same securities. They have the same CUSIP (?) so when I try to delete one of them from the securities list, it won't let me do it, saying they are in use. This is not a matter of deleting individual transactions. So, for a given security, are you saying the that the quantity shown in the portfolio is double what it should be? That would be a transaction problem. Or you may see placeholder transactions that Quicken is inserting to try to make your share balances match Fidelity.
(They are shown in gray in the register.) It may do this if duplicate transactions are causing the share balances not to agree with Fidelity. If you look in the Securities window as I described above, do you see these securities listed twice with the exact same name? If so, there's definitely a database problem as Quicken will not normally let you create two securities with the same name.
The CUSIP and Symbol don't matter; it's the security name that Quicken requires to be unique. If both the situations above are true, then if you are able to fix the transaction situation by deleting the duplicate transactions. This might then allow you to delete one of the pair of duplicate securities. Another solution may just be to start over with your Fidelity accounts. Delete the accounts and securities and then re-create the accounts and download without importing from your old file. You would, however, lose some historical transaction detail as Fidelity will only download transactions for a limited past timeframe.
If you don't have duplicate transaction for that security, then you can go to your securities list and merge the two securities with the same name and CUSIP. Also, make sure the number of shares for that security is correct. I would also suggest you do this in a copy of your data file, that way if something strange or tragic happens you can revert back to your original file and try again. BTW- if you haven't already found out, your data is stored in Your_Drive:Users:Your_home_name:Library:Application Support:Quicken 2017:Documents. Thank you for the tip, RickO. It seems that QfM2007 used the unique symbol to identify securities and now QfM2017 uses the verbose security name.