Some of your most personal moments are shared on WhatsApp, which is why we built end-to-end encryption into the latest versions of our app. When end-to-end encrypted, your message. WhatsApp For PC (Windows) or Mac Navigation. Just like iMessage for iOS, WhatsApp shows you text chats in text bubbles. Once you have downloaded WhatApp, you will be able to send messages for free. Before using WhatApp with others, you must convince them to download it.
Last Updated: October 19, 2017 is finally available and now it’s easy to run WhatsApp on Mac for free including on Yosemite and El Capitan. On May 11th 2016, WhatsApp released the long awaited desktop client for Mac and although you could already use the, the desktop app is better because it has more support for desktop notifications and better keyboard shortcuts. Most importantly for iPhone users, the new WhatsApp for Mac desktop client also syncs messages with WhatsApp for iPhone whereas the web app doesn’t. How To Download & Install WhatsApp For Mac It’s easy to download and install WhatsApp for Mac for free. Just or by going here to the. Free pdf editor for mac. When you’ve downloaded and unzipped the file, just double click to install the client on your Mac and drag it into your Applications folder.
When you open the app, you need to scan the QR code with your phone in order to sync your mobile with the desktop app. When you’ve done this, you can start using WhatsApp on your OS X desktop.
All messages that you send with WhatsApp for Mac are synced with your phone and vice versa. Some of the advantages of the new desktop client include keyboard shortcuts such as CMD + Shift + M to mute a conversation and CMD + Shift + U to change the read status of a message. You also don’t have to log back in every time you close your browser like you have to with the web app. Note that you cannot make voice calls from WhatsApp for Mac. How To Use WhatsApp Web On Mac The web version of WhatsApp was released in early 2015 and was the first time Mac users could use WhatsApp via Google Chrome with one drawback. The web version of WhatsApp does not work with iPhones due to “platform limitations” with Google Chrome (that’s basically Google/Apple talk for “we don’t like each other much”).
It only works with Android, BlackBerry, Nokia and Windows phones. However, if you don’t want to install the desktop version on your Mac, the web version works in your browser and requires no download or installation. Outlook email download for mac free. Here’s how to use it on Mac: • on your mobile device to the latest version. This is very important, otherwise, the web version will not work with it. • Make sure you’ve installed the on your Mac. Open it and go to the following address:.
You will see the following page with a QR code on the screen. • If the QR code is not generated first time round, try restarting Chrome or clearing your browser cache. • Simply can the QR code on the screen with your mobile device. To do this open WhatsApp on your phone.
Select the Menu button by touching the three dots in the top right corner and you’ll see the option “WhatsApp Web”. Select this option and The QR code scanner will appear with a message to go to the WhatsApp web page that you’ve already got open in Chrome. When you’ve scanned the code in Google Chrome, you’re done. You can then chat using WhatsApp Messenger on your Mac. Like on your phone, you will receive desktop notifications when a user has messaged you. • All chats will be synced with your phone when you return to it.
You can logout of WhatsApp Web on your Mac at any time but if you do, you’ll need to go through the QR code scanning process again to log back on. Warning: It’s a good idea to make sure you are using WiFi on your phone when logged onto WhatsApp Web on Macs because if your phone is connected to WhatsApp via 3/4G, it will also use your data plan to sync messages while you are using WhatsApp on your Mac!
Alternatives To WhatsApp for Mac There are several unofficial WhatsApp apps for Mac such as,, and (formerly WhatsMac) that allow you to use WhatsApp on a Mac. For example is very easy to use, allows you to both send and receive messages and syncs with your current WhatsApp account on your iPhone.
Is the only unofficial WhatsApp app for Mac that allows you to both send and receive messages – the others only allow you to receive WhatsApp messages on your Mac. It’s also the only one that can sync with iPhones too: meanwhile is a free app that basically wraps the web app into Safari and then makes it available as an application that you can launch from your Dock like any other. It means that you don’t need a browser to use WhatsApp web and works like a separate app on your Mac: It also means that you can use keyboard shortcuts to manage WhatsApp on your Mac: There are some little glitches like the media upload button doesn’t work but you can also upload video and audio to ChitChat by dragging it into the app. However, the release of the official WhatsApp for Mac client by WhatsApp in May 2016 means that these unofficial clients really aren’t necessary anymore. Finally, the most complicated way to use WhatsApp on your Mac is to install an Android emulator. This method is definitely more complicated and impractical because it requires an extra mobile number since WhatsApp only allows you to have one account installed on one device at a time unless you’re using the official app.