3d software for mac free. Docker run -it -p 8545:8545 -p 3 ethereum/client-go --rpc. WARNING: This opens your container to external calls. To use the interactive JavaScript.
I would like to start geth using a startup script to automatically unlock the accounts and start the miner, and possibly other tasks (for my test network). I tried the --exec 'loadscript('sript.js')' console and it runs the script and then exits. I tried js script' console and it runs the script, but doesn't give me a console. I'd like to run a script AND get the console.
How do I do this? Sketch for mac mobile app. I'm running a frontier release version of geth (whatever the latest 'main' is) plus a patch to speed it up for test networks. You can accomplish this with in a startup script.
Startup scripts will vary based on OS, but here is the general idea: geth --unlock 0 --password 'path/to/password/file' console Below is another example of a command to unlock an account, start a miner, and log the results to a logfile. Geth --datadir /tmp/eth/42 --port 30342 --password > /tmp/eth/42.log In the above example you can also add console to the end of it to automatically put you in the console. Remember to mind your slashes / when you are using different operating systems. Generally Windows paths have backwards slashes (' ') and Unix, Linux, and Mac systems have forward slashes ('/') when typing a file/folder path. Windows system: You can pipe to a log file and keep your console uncluttered.
I use baretail - for real time logging display as well as a startup script/bat file to initiate geth.