I usually check the compatibility with Can You Run It before purchasing the game on Steam. In this case, I'm buying Ark: Survival Evolved. Unfortunately, that site doesn't support Mac. I usually check the compatibility with Can You Run It before purchasing the game on Steam. In this case, I'm buying Ark: Survival Evolved. Unfortunately, that site doesn't support Mac.
Ever since the release of ARK: Survival Evolved, the players or in general the entire community has greatly applauded the game expect its unavoidable lag problem. The game has faced criticism and negative feedback due to its demanding specs and lack of network optimizations for players.
This as a result led to an unending story of Ark survival evolved lag which to date seems like something with no solution to. Things are getting worse for ARK: Survival Evolved players as game developers haven’t done anything substantial in this regards other than just a few tweaks. Even then, the settings aren’t up to the mark for many players since the game asks a lot from your computer specs in order to be played smoothly. Server EU-PVP-PS4Official-TheIsland123 has long (25-45 min) lag spikes and ping goes up to 255 ping. Please fix it x3 — Mikkeru (@EnergyC00kie) How long have you played ark? I’ve played simce ea into laumch and i can tell you from experience that pillars do kill spawns and cause lag. — Skinny Dan (@SkinnyDan1) 3rd birthday and it's near unplayable.
All weekend freezing, Lag and DC'ing. I'd like to see Ark improve and possibly a much bigger more in-depth 2nd game but can't see this making year 4 if it's not fixed soon — Simon Twigg (@SimonTwigg666) There are however, some tweaks and tips that you can follow to overcome some of the major issues of the game and eventually reduce Ark lag to the minimum.
The guide to these settings can be seen below; ARK: Survival Evolved Lag Fix Game Launch Options Some of the basic yet major tweaks you can do to boost up your FPS in ARK: Survival Evolved include setting up some launch parameters for the game to prioritize it more on your computer’s load/ performance distribution to give the maximum precedence over any other application Simply Right Click over ARK: Survival Evolved in the Games Library and click properties. Next, click Launch Options and you will see something like this; Now, enter the following parameters; -USEALLAVAILABLECORES -sm4 -d3d10 Now comes the second part. Remember the mini launch game screen you get when starting the game through the library? Well, it is especially for you guys who greatly suffer from ARK: Survival Evolved FPS lag.
If you think you computer is up to the task and can run the game in an efficient manner then the above mentioned launch options would probably be enough for you play ARK: Survival Evolved smoothly. However, if a high end PC seems too much on your pocket then worry not as the other launch options for the game have been made just for you. You can clearly see two options that are solely for those who have less RAM/ Memory on their computer. Use the option depending on your memory and you will experience considerable reduction in ARK Lag. The last option further increases you chance of smoothly playing the game but at the cost of not looking good to the eye. Graphic Settings Once you are done with setting up the launch parameters and options, you now have a bit more customization which can further decrease the load over your computer and assist in reducing ARK Lag.
The picture below can be set as a benchmark for tweaking settings mainly for people who are facing FPS and ARK: Survival Evolved lag problems in game. Naturally, the lower the settings the better performance you can expect for the game. It is still advised to upgrade your computer for the best of graphics for ARK: Survival Evolved. Just to give you an idea here is a comparison of results from low to ultra settings for the game. For reference, here are the official system requirements for the game: • OS: Windows 7 or Windows 8 • Processor: 2 GHz Dual-Core 64-bit CPU • Memory: 4000 MB RAM • Graphics: DirectX11 Compatible GPU with 1 GB Video RAM • DirectX: Version 11 • Hard Drive: 20000 MB available space Optimizing the Network Connection As a puppy that can be tamed, the above things can be considered doable. However, the case of network optimization is like T.Rex; untamed and dangerous.
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